Writers’ Corner

about me_ian Ian Valencia has always been a writer. From a young age, she has always expressed in writing what she couldn’t speak out loud. Always fascinated with make-believe, she started from making stories with Barbie dolls—with her as the director and her toys her actors—and moved on to writing short stories once Microsoft Word was introduced to her.
She knew she wanted to be a writer and, someday, become a filmmaker. But with her high school naivety, she was introduced to a world where writing is more factual than make-believe. She eventually fell in love with writing about other people and the story of their lives; realizing that her story isn’t the only narrative to be shared.
Now equipped with a degree in Journalism, the passion for sharing stories, and zero connection to the fashion and publishing world, she created a platform where her stories can be published, thus Girls on the Outside.
Ever the dreamer, she wishes to someday pursue a career that would incorporate film with fashion, two tracks unparalleled with one another but both she’s equally passionate about.
Connect with her on social media:
Instagram | Twitter | Ian’s Portfolio

am_jas_2Jasmine Dy is a writer and dancer. Both interests came from an accumulated craving for expression from having grown up spending most of her time inside her head. Several complex, complete, alternate universes have been created. Thus, getting bored is an impossibility and solitary time is essential.
She’s a true homebody whose comfort zone is limited by the walls of her room, but finally, she’s going out of her way to actually exist and participate in the real world.
Armed only with a journalism education that she never thought would be relevant, she created Girls on the Outside with Ian in an attempt to seek out stories without limits and speak out and expand on late night (or any time of day, really) thoughts that deserve more context.
Find her elsewhere:
Instagram / Tumblr / Letterboxd